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5 ways to achieve stratospheric success

Have you ever had that feeling? You know the one. The one you ignore, like that weird guy who is unexpectedly knocking on your door. He just shows up unannounced, looking like he needs a shower and hug from his mom.

He's doing that thing where he kind of cups his hands to the side of his face so he can see inside your house through the window glare. While at the same time you're doing the move to make your neck stretch out so you can peek around the corner without him seeing your body.

And this odd dance continues... the face cupping wondering eyed weirdo and you- the neck stretching body hiding confrontation avoid-er.

How long has this odd dance been grooving in your head?

Not the dance between you and Mr. unannounced weird guy. The dance of ignoring that feeling. The feeling that you have something special inside. The feeling like you have the potential to do great things, but for some reason it feels as if the harder and faster you work, the further away your goals appear.

If you're the kind of person that is tired of dancing around your goals and not achieving them, The Go-Giver, a book that has personally changed my life, has the secret sauce you're looking for.

As the author puts it, "I believe that a person can reach a certain level of success without being particularly special. But to get really, really big, to reach the kind of stratospheric success we're talking about, people need to have something on the inside, something that's genuine."

To be special you have to dance to the correct music.

I think the correct music is the same thing as a correct mindset, or thinking. Most of us dance to the music that that says to the fireplace, "First give me heat then I'll throw some logs on you."

Fire and life are a lot alike (deep right).

The 5 laws to stratospheric success will change the tune stuck in your head.

1. The Law of Value

Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment

Any good business principle or law, will also be a good life principle. So when you see the word "payment" I would bet your first thought would be money. I would think of it as deposits. It could be into your bank account, your life account, relationship account, or any other account you can think of.

What ever type of account you have, this law will ensure that its full.

"In other words, exceed peoples expectations, and they'll pay you even more"

2. The Law of Compensation

Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them

Remember, income really just means an accumulation of deposits in your life's different accounts. "Or to put it another way, your compensation [accumulation of deposits] is directly proportional to how many lives you touch"

The amazing thing about this is, it means you get to determine your level of compensation-it's under your control. If you want more success, find a way to serve more..."

3. The law of Influence

Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first

Most people go for the win-win, but...

"A win-win is really just a disguised way of keeping track. Making sure we all come out even, that nobody gets the advantage. Even-Steven... When you base your relationships in life- on who owes who what, that's not being a friend. That's being a creditor. Forget about fifty-fifty, son. Fifty-fifty is a losing proposition. The only winning proposition is one hundred percent. Make your win about the other person, go after what what he wants. Forget win-win, focus on the other person's win.

4. The Law of Authenticity

The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself

"People remember this: no matter what skills, what area you're in, YOU are your most important commodity. The most valuable gift you have to offer is you."

No body on the planet has your unique combination of passions, skills, talents, and experiences.

Your uniqueness is what makes you valuable. There isn't much the world is missing... except for you. Not a version of YOU, that is masked with other people's expectations.

We are missing you. We need you.

5. The Law of Receptivity

The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving

"It's not better to give than to receive. It's insane to try to give and not receive. Trying not to receive is not only foolish, its arrogant. When someone gives you a gift, what gives you the right to refuse it- to deny their right to give? In fact, every giving can happen only because it also a receiving."

Did that just blow your mind? If so go read The Go-Giver by Bob Burg. It changed my life. I know it will change yours as well.


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