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Vital Life Health Center is an extension of Life University, an innovative health sciences institution located in Metro Atlanta. Thus, education is a major part of the clinic, with a state-of-the-art educational facility to offer a variety of services and classes with the ability to reach audiences worldwide via the latest technology in digital presentations. Education at Life University Health Systems at Midtown starts with clinical care. Patients will receive education and recommendations from the doctors and clinical team so that they can make informed health choices for themselves and their families for now and the future. For the Metro Atlanta community, the clinic will also offer general health education classes, on topics such as preparation of whole foods to benefit a healthy diet, exercise guidance for the modern lifestyle, and more.


Utilizing the global scope of the technology in the educational facility, the clinic provides seminars on leadership, compassionate business, and more.

Our classes are always educational and entertaining.

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For those interested in what other education opportunities Life University has to offer, visit to explore its innovative undergraduate, graduate and Doctor of Chiropractic programs.

Complimentary Educational Downloads 


Hold your Head High! -  Forward Head Posture

"Forward head posture" is abnormal forward positioning of the head relative to the shoulder due to misalignments ofthe spine (subluxations).

Fight or Flight - Subluxations and the Nervous System

You may have heard of "fight or flight" in high school psychology. It’s a state your body will go into when it recognizes a potentially harmful event or an impending attack. It is a survival mechanism in the human body and is controlled by your sympathetic nervous system.

Why is it important to you?

Breathe Easy with Chiropractic -  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by decreased airflow to the lungs. It affects nearly 330 million people worldwide and makes it difficult for the sufferer to accomplish everyday tasks due to shortness of breath.

What's Posture got to do with it? – Bad Posture

Bad posture puts strain on the joints and nerves of the spine, leading to interference in the nervous system and spinal pain receptors. Because these nerves control every function in the body, this can lead to pain, decreased range of motion, decreased muscle strength, headaches, breathing problems, balance disturbances, and overall a decreased quality of life.

Constipation Cleared with Chiropractic! – Constipation

Constipation is an issue that affects about 3% of North American children and can cause much family sress. About 30% of these children will continue to have constipation beyond puberty! Many parents are hesitant to treat constipation with potentially harmful drugs such as laxatives and look elsewhere for help.

Menstrual Difficulties - Menstrual Cycles

Menstrual difficulties are common among women of childbearing age. Often, they can cause great emotional stress, especially if the woman desires to have children and start a family.

Strengthened Adolescent Athletic Performance – Repetitive Physical stress with Teenagers

For many teenagers, participation in both sports and performing arts is an integral part of life. These activities afford young people the opportunity to develop strong character traits such as discipline, leadership, and work ethic. It's great when we can "keep them in the game!"

Pregnant at Last! – Infertility

Infertility is a major problem plaguing families around the world. With the busy, stressful lives most people live today, we’ve seen a spike in the number of infertility cases present in the general population. Did you know that chiropractic care has been shown to reduce stress and in some cases allow women to conceive?

Bedwetting: Is There Hope? -  Chronic Bedwetting​

By the time children are 5 years old, they have a 15% chance of dealing with chronic bedwetting. A 2015 study reported cessation of bedwetting in two boys (9 and 10 years old) following gentle chiropractic care to reduce nerve interference.

Alternative for fevers? – Fevers​

Fevers are a naturally common indicator of immune system activation and are triggered by bacteria, viruses, and internal chemicals. Changes in body temperature are tightly controlled by inborn mechanisms. Increases in temperature from fever result from ibuprofen and acetaminophen).

No More IBS! -  Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is be characterized by frequent bouts of constipation and diarrhea and affects 30% of the U.S. population. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system plays a very crucial role in IBS due to the intestinal tract's rich innervation of nerves.

A Solution for Seizures? – Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which the sufferer experiences excessive neuronal discharges with loss or altered state of consciousness in the brain. Each year, The U.S. spends $16 billion in the management of epilepsy.

Dizziness & Meniere's Disease Improved through Chiropractic! - Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a condition characterized by a feeling the world is spinning that originates from a problem in the inner ear. The cause is unknown and commonly misunderstood, but trauma such as slips, falls, and other injuries have been indicated as possible mechanisms of the disease. Those suffering will often experience loss of hearing during or just before the dizzy spell starts.

What does chiropractic have to do with insulin control? -  Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is disease with many factors including genetics, environment, and autoimmune reactions. A 2008 case report of a 9-year old girl found that her blood glucose levels stabilized following chiropractic care.

Breastfeeding & Latching Difficulties - No More! – Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: it offers countless benefits for our little ones! Completely natural, breast milk provides

nutrition for healthy growth, development, and strong immunity.

Infantile Reflux and GERD - Infantile Reflux and GERD Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Infantile Reflux and GERD Reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs when the contents of the stomach start to ascend up the esophagus causing heartburn and irritation. Infants with reflux will often have persistent "spit up." Recently, the use of drugs to treat GERD has increased dramatically, especially among the pediatric population, even though safety measures have not been set or tested. This is one reason many parents are seeking new solutions such as chiropractic.

Blood Pressure - Can Chiropractic Help? - Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

Unconscious activities in your body, like digestion, breathing, and heartbeat, are controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System. This has two divisions: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic. The Sympathetic division is the fight or flight, or survival portion. It is vital in a crisis or stressful scenario, and can be thought of like your body's "gas pedal." Conversely, the Parasympathetic division is the “brake pedal,” integral for rest, growth, digestion, and relaxation. This is the mode we want to live in the majority of our lives.

Hope for Trigeminal Neuralgia - Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a neurological disorder characterized by immense pain and spasm in the side of the face. It is often misdiagnosed as a dental or jaw problem and in the past has even been considered a psychological disorder.

Research sheds light on Chiropractic and M.S. -  Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The advent of upright MRI has allowed the medical community to better understand the origins of multiple sclerosis (MS). After imaging the spine in a weight-bearing position, researchers learned that many symptoms of MS can be caused by misalignments of vertebrae of the neck from injuries more than eight years prior!

Long Term Scoliosis Improvements! - Adolescent scoliosis

Adolescent scoliosis affects approximately 2-4% of children between the ages of 10-16. Scoliosis that is allowed to progress has been linked to cardiovascular disease, respiratory failure, back pain, spinal degeneration, emotional impairments, disability, and decreased quality of life!

Meniere's Disease: Lives Changed with Chiropractic - Vertigo, Hearing Loss, and Tinnitus

Meniere's disease is described by symptoms of vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus that cannot be described by any other diagnosis. Due to the nondescript diagnosis, a cause for Meniere's disease is not clear.

Sensitive Gag Reflex and the Vagus Nerve - projectile vomiting

A 2011 case study described a 9-month old baby with a sensitive gag reflex (causing projectile vomiting) who saw significant improvement with chiropractic care.

ED-Chiropractic can help with that? - Erectile Dysfunction (ED) 

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common disorders affecting men today. Research indicates that 40% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have experienced ED in some form, costing the US healthcare system $330 million in 2000.

Resolution of Fibromyalgia Following Spinal Structure Improvements -  Fibromyalgia

In 2015, a case study was published in a chiropractic journal that described of a 32-year old female with fibromyalgia who saw complete resolution of her symptoms after 4 months of chiropractic care.

Thorough examination and x-rays revealed a complete loss of cervical curve (0º out of 45º) and a misalignment of her Atlas vertebra. After 4 months, she reported 100% improvement in symptoms including a full return to health and vitality.

Can Chiropractic help Costochondritis? – Costochondritis

Costochondritis is a sharp, aching, or pressure-like pain in the front chest wall due to inflammation in the joint. It is often caused by improper pulling of muscles at the ribs.

Depression, Insomina, PMS, Dysautonomia, and CHIROPRACTIC! - Depression, Insomina, PMS

About 16% of Americans suffer from depression and experience symptoms such as loss of interest inactivities, decreased energy, fatigue, feelings of anxiety, helplessness, guilt, difficulty concentrating,

insomnia, and more. The exact cause and triggers are still unknown, but it is clear that biochemical changes in the brain and nervous system are present.

No More Carpal Tunnel Wrist Pain! - Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that is often described as pain, numbness, and tingling on the palmar side of the wrist due to entrapment of the Median nerve. This condition affects as many as 5% of the general population. The pain arises from the Median nerve, which controls muscles and sensation in the arm and wrist. It is comprised of branches of spinal nerves from the middle neck and upper back.

Natural Blood Pressure Relief! – Hypertension

Almost 1/3 of all adults in the United States are diagnosed as hypertensive. Over time, hypertension can develop into numerous other diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The traditional medical approach to managing this is to artificially lower blood pressure through the use of medications. However, because these medications only artificially lower blood pressure, many Americans are beginning to seek out and include other ways to more naturally manage blood pressure.

Do You Smell That? -  Lack of smell – Anosmia

"Anosmia" is a condition characterized by a complete or partial lack of smell. While it is most commonly associated with the elderly, significant head and neck trauma can cause a tearing of the nerves in the nose responsible for smell and result in anosmia.

Is Tylenol safe for your pain? -  Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol, is a medication used to treat conditions such as fever, low back pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis. In fact, it is so commonly prescribed that it has been deemed the first course of action and care for all of these conditions -- but is it safe?

Chiropractic: A Natural Solution for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has become all too common today, affecting most adults ages 20-40, with an incidence in females over males, 6:1. While the cause is largely unknown, the diagnosis is often reached once all other options are ruled out. Unfortunately, the lack of diagnostic testing and objective measures to assess these individuals has led to a lack of treatment options.

Let's get back to the brain! – Autism

Autism is a disorder that begins in childhood and is often diagnosed by a child's inability to socially interact or communicate. Communication deficits are apparent in one-third of the individuals diagnosed with autism: noting less frequent and diverse babbling, consonants, words, and word combinations in toddlers.

Improved Balance and Coordination! - angina, osteoporosis, benign static hypertrophy and atrial valve insufficiency

Within the geriatric population, improper function of the musculoskeletal system has the most direct correlation to the overall functioning of an individual. In the case of this 85 year-old male, this dysfunction as well as pain was causing a negative interaction between his motor control and sensory systems.

Chirorpactic's role in the 1918 Spanish Flu – Influenza

The 1917-1918 Spanish Influenza was one of the most deadly pathogens to ever plague the world. Although exact numbers are not known, the numbers of deaths during this time period worldwide is estimated to be 20 million people. In the United States alone, the death toll is estimated to have been approximately 500,000 people. In many instances, medical professionals felt helpless and overwhelmed by the sheer number and severity of sick individuals, so much so that they had to determine which patients had the best chance for survival and focus all treatment efforts on them.

A Boost for the Immune Compromised - immune system

When looking at the role of the immune system, it is hard to discount the major role that the nervous system plays in regulation. From direct nerve / innervation of the immune system in the thoracic spine to decreasing stress responses in the body, your brain is the driving force behind whether or not your immune system responds properly to the bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens we fight on a daily basis.

Pediatric Chiropractic Safe and Effective! -  A "wellness approach" to caring for families

When looking at the role of the immune system, it is hard to discount the major role that the nervous system plays in regulation. From direct nerve / innervation of the immune system in the thoracic spine to decreasing stress responses in the body, your brain is the driving force behind whether or not your immune system responds properly to the bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens we fight on a daily basis.

Optimal Athletic Performance – Chiropractic and Sports Performance

When most athletes think of chiropractic, they think of the rehabilitative procedure to help injured athletes get back in the game. While chiropractic has proved to be a vital component of the health team for many professional sports teams, many are unaware of the amazing results that athletes can obtain from regular chiropractic care while healthy.

What is "Retracing?" -  Muscle/Joint Pain/Stiffness and Headaches

"Rectracing," "healing sensations," "healing crisis:" you may have heard these terms used at your chiropractic office to explain how some symptoms, like muscle/joint pain/stiffness and headaches, will sometimes "wake up" and become more noticeable before they get better. Rest assured that this is completely OK! These reactions have been long documented in medical research when significant changes are happening. As the structure of the spine moves and shifts, it makes sense that muscles and ligaments will become tight and sore! In the beginning phases of care, this is a GOOD THING -- it means that your body is making progress!

Chiropractic - Preventative Health Care for the Whole Family -  Vitalistic Health

In our society today, we have a predominant mentality that says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it... if I feel fine, I'm healthy...and if I have pain or a symptom, then I will go do something for it." This reactionary mindset is the leading cause of health destruction today. Moreover, what most folks do when they do have a symptom come up is take a medication or do something else to alleviate that symptom, without ever addressing the underlying cause! This can be very dangerous.

Pregnancy and Scoliosis – How Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractic has been assisting in the care of pregnant moms dating all the way back to its inception! Chiropractic is used by many women not only to address physical complaints associated with pregnancy, but also for wellness care!

Seizures, Headaches, and Quality of Life! – How Chiropractic Can Help

Almost 2% of adults suffer from epilepsy, a brain disorder that causes seizures. Because the standard

treatment simply involves anticonvulsant medication, about 25% of those adults seek to include other

methods to help manage their seizures.

Reduce Your Risk of Surgery! – How Chiropractic and Risk Reduction

When most people think about chiropractic, they think about neck and back pain. Although chiropractic has a long track record of helping many individuals with these concerns, it is only achieved by improving spinal function.

The Birth of Chiropractic – Where it all began

Chiropractic as a profession dates all the way back to September 1895. As the story goes, a magnetic healer in Davenport, IA was having a conversation with the building janitor, Harvey Lillard. While talking, the janitor told DD Palmer that 17 years earlier he had bent over, felt a 'pop' in his spine and went deaf in one ear.

Should I cancel my visit if I’m ‘sick’? – Get your Nervous System Adjusted

Here's the easy answer.... NO!

We always make it a point to let everyone know that when you're 'sick' is an extremely important time to make sure you get checked for nerve interference and adjusted, if necessary.

Migraine Headaches – How Chiropractic Can Help

Migraine headaches are a debilitating condition affecting between 8-12% of people. In the United States alone, migraines are estimated to cost the US between $5-$17 billion.Those suffering with migraines often experience severe side effects from common medications such as digestive issues, lethargy, light sensitivity, and sedation.

Rest, Digest & Heal – The Importance of Chiropractic Adjustments

Imagine sitting on the beach without a care in the world. Relaxing, right? This state of calm in your body is due to the activation of your parasympathetic nervous system.

A Healthier Future for Your Family! - Good Quality of Life

Good Quality of Life - we all want it for ourselves and our families. We spend decades of our lives working to build a better future for our families, but all too often our health takes a back seat. The fact is that every decision you make either moves you towards better health or away from better health. When we neglect our health over too many years, we are putting ourselves in a position to fall victim to health crisis.

What Are the Benefits of Having My Infant Adjusted? - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

One of the major health concerns discussed regarding infants is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Research shows that in developing countries, SIDS is the number one cause of death in children ages

0-12 months.

What is a fever? – What does this mean and Chiropractic

Chiropractic care exists around the concept that we are designed perfectly. Within each one of us is an innate intelligence that organizes and maintains the body and allows us to adapt to outside forces and stresses. If we are designed perfectly, though, we must recognize that every process that happens within the body happens for a reason - and yes, that includes a fever.

You thought whiplash was just about neck pain... – Whiplash

Whiplash injuries occur when the body moves forward, thus forcing the neck into extension. The neck then whips forward into a flexed position. Although this type of injury is most often seen in motor vehicle collisions, it can also occur in sports injuries, as well as slips, falls, and a number of other manners.

Behavior and Sleep in Kids - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The relationship between behavior problems and chiropractic care has largely focused on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While these two diagnoses are becoming more commonplace, not every child falls into these categories. Many children exhibit the behavioral symptoms, violent outbursts, and sleep difficulties that are common within both of these disorders. The societal and cultural norm today is to medicate. However, there are other options to address the symptoms associated with these diagnoses.

Mom deserves what she wants! -  Breech and Reposition of a Baby

Many parents dream of a healthy, happy, and natural birth. However, many factors throughout a pregnancy can complicate that dream, such as a breech presentation or previous C-section. About 7% of all pregnancies will involve a breech. It is rare for a breech presentation to spontaneously reposition after 34 weeks gestation. Therefore, over 80% of these pregnancies are delivered via Cesarean section.

How can we 'measure' prevention? – Prevention is the Key for Chiropractors

You've probably heard the Benjamin Franklin quote, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." We believe that's as true today as it was when he said it! Chiropractors discuss how the most rewarding thing that we can do is care for whole families to help children and adults achieve their optimal health. Although facilitating healing from all kinds of symptoms naturally in people all over the world is great, it is the ability to educate and offer preventative care that is most satisfying!

© 2023 by VitalLifeHC. A Life University Chiropractic Center for Health & Optimum Performance

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